"The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit"
Psalm 34:18
What We Do
SIDS America offers an array of services and support to families who have suffered the death of a baby to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), but below is the core of what we do on a daily basis to bring hope, help, and healing to as many families as possible across the United States.
We rally financial and emotional support within the community surrounding a family who has lost a child to SIDS. We go into, call upon, and engage the local communities to help with medical, funeral, burial, and grave marker costs relating to the child's death, as well as, grief counseling. This includes, but is not limited to, contacting funeral homes, local hospitals/birthing centers, churches, pediatricians, medical examiners/coroners, state & health child departments, police chaplains, and grief counselors.
We offer opportunities for anyone to join us in serving families. We are providing training for volunteers in order to multiply ourselves to help more families. We are raising up volunteers who can help us.
Of all the help we can offer, none has a more healing power than prayer. At SIDS America we count it a privilege to pray for and with the families we serve.
We connect grieving families with other families who have lost a child to SIDS who have since found help, hope, and healing and thus can help identify with, comfort, and encourage others.
We reach out to families on their deceased child's birthday and significant anniversaries through personal emails, letters, phone calls, and prayer.
We encourage families to submit their story, sharing their journey from the tragedy of SIDS, through grieving, to discovering healing and hope.
We seek out families suffering the loss of a child to SIDS by phone, email, and letters to offer financial and grief support.
We pray for and with families grieving the loss of a child to SIDS.
We honor the lives of babies who have died of SIDS by sharing their families' stories of their journeys from the birth of their child- to surviving the tragedy of SIDS- to finding joy, hope, and healing. A memorial remembers the child. Like a memorial, the stories we share honor and celebrate the lives of babies who have died of SIDS. But these stories then take a step further to bring healing, hope, and encouragement to other grieving families who desperately want to hear of others who have walked through the same devastation- and survived. And our stories don't just share of survival. They tell of real families who have lost babies to SIDS and who are walking again in healing and restoration of hopes, dreams, and joy.
We provide encouragement to SIDS families through a blog covering all issues surrounding grieving the loss of a child to SIDS.
We provide grief support materials to families grieving the loss of a child to SIDS, including, but not limited to, The One Year Book of Hope by Nancy Guthrie and The SIDS and Infant Death Survival Guide by Joani Nelson Horchler and Robin Rice.
We provide resources, recommendations, and prayer support for family, friends, coworkers, and any others seeking to support the bereaved parents. This includes suggestions for "what to say" and "what not to say" to a newly grieving parent/family. We offer support for helping siblings cope with the loss of their baby brother/sister as well as support for grieving grandparents.
We provide financial assistance to families needing help with medical, funeral, burial, and grave marker costs relating to their child's SIDS death, as well as grief counseling.
We set up local faith-based SIDS support groups nationwide to build community support around families grieving the loss of a child to SIDS and walk with these families through their grief and healing. Traditional "grief support groups" have earned a negative connotation, unfortunately, with many such groups providing a great opportunity for grieving families to openly share their grief but not providing the biblically founded message of hope and healing that so many families desperately want to find. This deters many bereaved from seeking support from such groups. SIDS America provides a unique, faith-based alternative through our support groups by offering both a safe place for families to openly grieve- and a place where the bereaved always receive true messages of comfort, hope, and encouragement founded upon the healing ministry of Christ and the biblical promises of God.
We provide SIDS prevention/risk reduction material to new parents, distributed through pediatrician and OB offices, churches, and on our website.
We are informing the media of how we're providing hope and healing to SIDS families, how we're making an impact in communities nationwide and educating the public on reducing the risk of SIDS, how we're providing unique financial and emotional support to families grieving the death of a child to SIDS by rallying local community involvement, how we're providing unique healing ministry through local support groups, and how we're changing the lives of the bereaved and setting families who have suffered the tragedy of SIDS on a new course of hope and healing.