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Jimmy Liam Marsh

April 9th, 2009 - May 17th, 2009


Jimmy Marsh was only with his family for 5 weeks, but the impact he left will last a lifetime.


From reconciliation between Jimmy's estranged grandparents to strengthening the bonds between his mom and her mother-in-law, Jimmy's death has brought its own kind of healing for the family, despite the void he left behind in his parents' hearts.

"His death has brought so many blessings," his mother, BJ, says, "It sounds weird, but it's true. It has healed huge family wounds."


Even though he only lived with them a short time, Jimmy left behind sweet memories for his family.


"Nighttime was our quiet time -- just him and me. He'd squeak like a little mouse... it was the best sound ever," BJ remembers.


Jimmy's father, Josh, remembers how much he loved to give Mommy a break by holding Jimmy on his chest while the baby slept. Josh would also lift Jimmy up to his face and laugh as Jimmy would try to nurse off his nose.


"He looked so much like Reid, his older brother," BJ says. "But he had his daddy's darker skin. He was gorgeous and looked a lot like my grandpa 'Poppy.'"


After Jimmy's death, the family has sought hope and healing in a number of resources, including counseling, the SIDS & Infant Death Survival Guide, and Comfort Cub, which is weighted like a newborn and wears Jimmy's sleeper.


"The only thing that gives me hope is my faith," BJ says. "I expected to get mad at God, but I didn't. It helps so much that Reid is still living."

When people ask BJ how many children she has, she tells them she has two, because though Jimmy is not still living on earth with his family, she believes he is alive in Heaven.


"I have to talk about it, and I encourage other 'victims' of this horrible thing to alwaystalk about their baby that they lost and always remember them and always keep their memory alive," BJ says.


BJ welcomes other families mourning the death of a child to SIDS to call her at 580-233-1981. "Talking to somebody who understands helps," BJ reminds grieving parents.

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