"The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit"
Psalm 34:18
I do have a question though about who designed your website, I think I stated before that yours is the most user friendly that I have come across in my search for support and resources. Thank you!
Brandi Summers - Arlington, TX
Traiss's Mommy
Hello! It was so good to meet you last night and I am glad that we were able to connect. I can not express to you the healing that has already begun in knowing that other moms have shared the same fears, the same joys, the same weird thoughts, and the same sadness. I know that I will return to the group. I was glad that I was early and that I was not the only new person to the group, although I still would have had the same feeling as though I had been amongst family.
The most interesting thing that I think I took away in talking with the other moms and how to interact was that for the first time in my life I didn't have to have words to express what I was feeling and I did not have to say everything that was on my mind. In fact I found myself being more reserved because of the sensitivity to others pain as well. In other areas of my life with people that I deal with day in and day out, I find that I have to spell out what I am thinking or feeling because of the lack of understanding that many people have in dealing with grief. I did not feel that at all last night and it was comforting to take that away from the meeting.
Thank you for all you help and support. I truly appreciate it.
Brandi Summers - Arlington, TX
Traiss's Mommy
We haven’t even met but I feel like you care about us so much and I want to meet you at least one time to tell you thank you and Bill for everything that you have done for us. You are truly a great person and I HAVE to meet you before you move back to Colorado. I don’t know how many times we can thank you for the grave marker that SIDS America graciously bought for us, it is beautiful and we take really good care of it.
Lily Lara
P.S. - Thank you guys for everything you have done ... you are truly blessed for everything you have done to help families.
Lily Lara - Arlington, TX
Preston's Mommy
Dear Bill & Cheryl,
Your answers were wonderful. My dad told me shortly after Graham died "if you've never been there, don't try and give me directions." All of those questions are where I / we are right now and hearing your answers was very encouraging. Not only have you been there, but you "get it."
It's tough some times when you talk to people that just don't have much substance to them... I don't mean this to sound bad, but a lot of people try and talk to you and what they say doesn't end up amounting to much. So many of your words were spot on and it was one of those things where your answers were what I HOPED they would be. There is a lot to you guys and I appreciate your help. After reading your email - my spirits are lifted. Thanks for honoring Billy by helping us. I can't wait to meet him.
Luke Carpenter
Luke Carpenter - Elkhart, IN
Graham's Dad
Thanks for your time, your work, and your friendship. We will see our boys again. All that sin has destroyed, will be restored.
Luke Carpenter
Luke Carpenter - Elkhart, IN
Graham's Dad
Dear Bill,
Thank you again for taking the time to talk with my husband. I know he thoroughly enjoyed it and found it very helpful. He hasn't had the amount of people to talk with as I, the mother, have so it was just what he needed.
Thank you again for your message and for talking with my husband. And please thank Cheryl for the Hope book she sent me. I've been meaning to get an email out to her and just haven't. I have found it encouraging just as she said I would.
Shelly Carpenter
Shelly Carpenter - Elkhart, IN
Graham's Mommy
Thank you, Cheryl, for your beautiful words. Your message is uplifting and inspiring.
Jennifer Martin - Richardson, TX
Emily's Mommy
Thank you again for calling last week. I found talking with you so very encouraging.
Shelly Carpenter - Elkhart, IN
Graham's Mommy
I realize just what a comfort and healer the SIDS America SIDS Mommies' support group is ... thank you.
Renae Frizell - Dallas, TX
Cal's Mommy
It means so much to us that you thought of us on Preston’s birthday.
Lily Lara - Arlington, TX
Preston's Mommy
I just went to the SIDS America website and read your post written on Billy's 2nd birthday in heaven. It was beautiful and so inspiring. You are such a witness to me in the way that you have allowed God to use you through Billy's loss from SIDS, and the support group you have formed has been a real blessing to me. I agree with you that Henry's death made God more real to me than ever before, and this year Easter held an even deeper meaning to me. What a blessing it is to know that because of God's miracle at Easter we will be able to see Billy and Henry again some day! I cling to that thought when things start to seem unbearable.
Nancy Cook - Dallas, TX
Henry's Mommy
I would first like to say thank you for all that you have done for my family in it's time of need. SIDS America was a God sent blessing for this entire family. The unexpectedness was very overwhelming for Garrick and Bianca, as well as everyone that was affected by Ke'Andre life. I must say that on the day I contacted your nonprofit ministry I had been calling all over the metroplex to find funding for the proper burial for my grandson. As I stated earlier you guys were God sent. I am still thanking him for the blessings stored upon this family. We were not prepared for the tragedy of losing Ke'Andre.
I have talked to Garrick and Bianca about meeting both of you and they would love that opportunity. They are still dealing with his death in their personal ways and still have unanswered questions. You made note in your message about two books: Hope by Nancy Guthrie and SIDS & Infant Death by Joani Nelson. I think both of these books could shed some light to their current state of mind. They are both strong and have pulled together even closer since this happened but as a mother I know it has affected them a lot more than they lead on to. If we could schedule a time for them to meet with both of you I think this would be healthy for them to ask you things that we their parent can't answer.
I have attached some photo's of Ke'Andre that will include Garrick and Bianca in order for you to create a page honoring and remembering him. If you do nothing else for this family, know that we are thankful and your ministry has impacted our lives in such a blessful way. May blessings be stored upon your ministry and your family.
Amanda Young
Amanda Young - Richardson, TX